domingo, 27 de mayo de 2007

Last request

Qué demanaries a una persona si et permetés complir un últim desig?

Suposo que és una pregunta que t'has de pensar o que saps respondre immediatament si te la fan. Crec que en tots dos casos, en el cas d'haver-hi una resposta, es capaç de generar un pensament, una cerca interior i de vegades també despertar un sentiment.

Per a Paolo Nutini, el seu últim desig és tenir-la a prop, sostenir-la i estirar-se junts un últim cop encara que sàpiga que no van enlloc.

Slow down, Lie down,
Remember it's just you and me.
Don't sell out, bow out,
Remember how this used to be.

I just want you closer,
Is that alright?
Baby let's get closer tonight

Grant my last request,
And just let me hold you.
Don't shrug your shoulders,
Lay down beside me.
Sure I can accept that we're going nowhere,
But one last time let's go there,
Lay down beside me

Oh, I've found, that I'm bound
To wander down that one way road.
And I realise all about your lies
But I'm no wiser than the fool I was before.

I just want you closer,
Is that alright?
Baby let's get closer tonight

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