27 May - 03 June 2010
El dia 28 de Mayo de 2010 llegué a Munich procedente de un vuelo de Airberlín desde Barcelona.
Nervios, porque era consciente de que no se trataba de un día cualquiera, sino que se trataba del día que empezaba una nueva etapa en mi vida. Recuerdo la impresión que me produjo la pasarela que se erigía entre terminales. Mirada al cielo para observar la forma convexa del vidrio, apoyada en columnas que convertía en un juego de niños identificar a aquellos viajeros que no frecuentaban el aeropuerto.
Mientras cruzaba ese espacio abierto entre terminales, pensé en ello como una metáfora de bienvenida, imaginé que reconocer estas inconfundibles significa para muchos volver a casa ... o marcharse de ella.
Recuerdo que era un día lluvioso. Recuerdo como en el trayecto desde el Aeropuerto al centro de la ciudad las gotas de lluvia resbalaban por la ventana. Acompañado por dos maletas repasaba el trayecto que había consultado por internet horas antes hasta mi destino, buscando con la mirada algo que me recordara mi visita de vacaciones que hice hace un par de veranos. Intentando identificar algo que me resultara familiar.
Arribant a Hbf i vaig trobar-me amb una estampa que curiosament em va semblar familiar. Vies que es multiplicaven, gent movent-se d'una banda cap altra, mastegant sense parar de caminar, mirades furtives ara al rellotge, ara cap amunt buscant quant temps falta perquè arribi el tren. Vaig parar un moment per observar la circulació de la gent, i els seus sorolls combinats amb els de trens, xiulets i anuncis per megafonia. Tot funcionant de forma extranyament sincronitzada. El batec de l'estació que encara recordo, però que avui no em un altre
Va ser per a mi un primer contacte amb la ciutat on fa un any ara vaig arribar. Va ser una presentació de com funciona Alemanya, i del que m'esperava a la ciutat. M'ho vaig prendre com una invitació, fer una passa endavant i agafa el teu tren. I així vaig fer-ho.
Vaig agafar el metro. Vaig trobar-me amb el lleó d'stiglmaierplatz i vaig pensar, jo ja he vist aquest lleó abans. La idea "Això m'agradarà" em va passar pel cap.
I took a flight a couple of days before my first day at work. I wanted to walk a little around the city, try to get familiarised in some personal way to the city. I noticed that the monk, was the reason of the name of Munich. I learnt that the lion was one of the emblems of the city and soon I would learn that beer was the other one. I felt like in a first date with no one else but myself and a city, clocks in the top of churches, and other places soon to be familiar directions, logical associations in my head, and bright ideas to spend time or share a drink with friends.
I have to say that my experience in my first year in Munich is positive. It has been never tough to adapt to the city, but there are still many things I need to do to feel completely part of it. I consider myself lucky for the people I met who helped me in the process, for the choices I made and for
staying hungry ...
To celebrate this, I leave you with no other song than Munich, created by The Editors, but in this case interpreted by the unique voice of CBR.
I'm so glad I've found this
I'm so glad I did
I'm so glad I've found this
I'm so glad I did
People are fragile things, you should know by now
Be careful what you put them through
People are fragile things, you should know by now
You'll speak when you're spoken to
You'll speak when you're spoken to
It breaks when you don't force it
It breaks when you don't try
It breaks if you don't force it
It breaks if you don't try
People are fragile things, you should know by now
Be careful what you put them through
People are fragile things, you should know by now
You'll speak when you're spoken to
You'll speak when you're spoken to
With one hand you calm me
With one hand I'm still
With one hand you calm me
With one hand I'm still
People are fragile things, you should know by now
You'll speak when you're spoken to
People are fragile things, you should know by now
Be careful what you put them through
Be careful what you put them through
You'll speak when you're spoken to
You'll speak when you're spoken to