lunes, 28 de julio de 2008

Randy's last lecture

I was really touched when I found this video.
What would you do if you knew you are about to dead?
Being a professor, What would you say to your students?
Being a human being, what would you leave for the others to be remembered for?

Full version:

He passed away 3 days ago. May rest in peace.

miércoles, 23 de julio de 2008

Sabe a Mixta

Aún no la he probado, pero reconozco que me ha picado la curiosidad después de algún anuncio:

Miaouuuu, que bonicos los animalitos!!

Reinventando las profesiones y para aquellos que usamos la XL y no renunciamos a ir a la moda.

domingo, 20 de julio de 2008


All I wanna do ...

... is have some fun

I got a feeling . I'm not the only one!

viernes, 18 de julio de 2008

Friday Night

In&Out, qué gran peli!!!
Esta escena me hace reír irremediablemente!!!

Can you hear it? Can you hear the demon? That's de demon whisper!!!
Do not listen! Man do not dance!! Jajaja!

By the way, tonight's Friday Night!!!

Getting used to new people, new home, new feelings. And it feels so good!

sábado, 5 de julio de 2008

Move out, move in & move on

Concert de Jack Johnson a Badalona.
Dies moguts.
Trasllat. Tancar caixes, obrir caixes, endreçar robar,...
Aconseguir crear el teu propi espai.

Nou pis, nous companys, nous hàbits.
Barri nou, gent nova, nou equip, noves activitats.
Noves il·lusions!!!