sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Do your job, deliver

04 June - 10 June 2011
Siempre que nos encaminamos a conseguir objetivos, hay fechas en las que se decide dónde te encuentras en ese camino. Una especie de juicio donde los resultados hablan.
Nada más importa. No se habla de cómo sucedió o cuándo, no se trata de cuánto tiempo invertiste ni de la fe o esfuerzo que pusiste en la tarea, tan sólo  el trabajo hecho habla. Hasta que ese momento llego, tan solo se trata de trabajo, de pasión y dedicación.

I have always found the english language the appropriate one as the most indicated to deal with business, coaching, inspiration, enterpreneurship ... because it has the right words, the rights expressions to convey the necessary speech in this field... It is a speech about passion, competition and how to succeed in it.
An an example ... Mark Cuban

Put your heart, Try to excel:
You have to love what you do. Love every minute of it.
Enjoy the competition:
Enjoy the juice of just competing. It's your idea, can you prove it right?
It's you walking to a customer and saying, my solution is better than the others one and I will prove it to you.
There's always somebody out there trying to kick your butt, thinking I can do it, I can do that better!
Success takes risks:
There's nothing wrong with failing. It doesn't matter how many times you fail if you get it right.

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